Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Your Personal Growth' Enemies

There are three powerful enemies for the development potential of the disclosure and following the dream. It is important to identify them now and get to know them in person at the first approximation. In the mind of a person per day carried by a huge number of ideas that we do not control and allow them to control us. Therefore, being aware of your thoughts and emotions, we learn to pay attention to them and guide them in the right direction to us.

Your Personal Growth' Enemies

Let's deal with each enemy personal growth in order.

1. Doubts

Doubt - is a direct derivative of the uncertainty in the forces. How many things happened in our lives and will be when we can take a risk and do something meaningful. And how many times we stopped by or before the beginning of the path, or in the middle of it, either already have the finish line. In the first case, at least we did not spend time in vain and simply got cold feet. But in the second and third have lost a lot of valuable time, which can not be returned.

What are the types of question?
  • Doubt that we can do something more
  • Doubt that we are worth something
  • Doubts about whether we deserve more than it is at the moment
The good news is that the question is easy to overcome. This is a very powerful enemy, if you know nothing about it, but it is only in our minds and it can get rid of. The man stopped only because he doubted that he could do something complicated, simply because it was born this simple and instant thought in his head.
It is understood that doubt - it's a habit, because it is an automatic thought, we are so accustomed to it that it already believe their kind.
But ideas can and should be directed in the right direction, and then it becomes a new habit to replace the old, and not give up until the very end.

The simplest advice: believe in yourself and take action. Do not waste your time! Let's start from your essay vikings writing and after that you'll be free for actions! Only your actions will show you that things are not as bad as you initially thought and that exaggerated fears. The more you learn and practice the less fear and doubt, you are left with.

2. Procrastination

If you think carefully, you can see that from doubt and the desire is to delay difficult or unpleasant task (which still needs to be done). Procrastination occurs because of a lack of priorities.

Your Personal Growth' Enemies

We are postponing their business priorities, not because it's silly, but because they want to see a new movie or go to some idea, or simply sit aimlessly in front of a computer, simulating the action. When you do not have priorities, you tend to satisfy immediate desires. You do not take any action, because even though you have a goal and you have not made clear their priorities so clearly and precisely that you have opened my eyes. Priorities need constant clarification. Even the most able-bodied people stop when forget why do what they do. Realizing their motivation, they set to work again.
Procrastination inevitably leads to the fact that we are sorry about how life is lived. And yet the irony is that all the important things that we constantly put off, in the end we still do.
But during this time will take place a couple of useless days, for which it would be possible to do the job and get to the next. But since we can not in the head we have a clear plan of action, to understand why we perform this task right now. We have no sense of the passing of time, we do not appreciate it.

Do anything, start with the small things, which drags along other, more complex. Action inertia pushes you forward, drags and here you catch yourself thinking that do not want to leave the state of activity. Just because of human characteristics - the desire to stay in the usual state. So if your usual state of action will, in the end you really do not want to spend time aimlessly.

3. Isolation from Other People

We feel separated from other people. When we get the feeling that there is only one person, and the other only in the way, we can not and do not want to cooperate with them in the world. And if so, then we are too proud to ask for help. Why ask for help from people who do not understand us? We judge others, criticize and repels them. By nature we are social establishment, it has always been. However, in times of internet things have changed and now everyone feels unique and not willing to cooperate with others. We do not read the autobiographical books, where you can see the incredible benefits of cooperation and achieve greater heights.
If you choose the right people, the three men will be able to do ten times more than the three of them separately. Synergy gives a stunning effect in the natural sciences and in society.
What can be done? The answer is exactly the same as in the previous two paragraphs - the action. Ask for something, ask for help, suggest partnership, and feel a sense of community that sits in us for centuries and has not disappeared anywhere.

Your Personal Growth' Enemies

Three of the personal growth of the enemy very easily destroyed two simple steps - discernment and action. If you do not see the enemy, you do not know with whom to fight and meaningless waving hands. And if you recognize, act.
Any active idea in our head, which is not the end of the action, gone forever, and took most of your energy, hope and strength.
And of course, in all three cases, you need to believe in yourself. It is even possible to doubt, but to believe and act. Recognize a destructive thoughts and dispose of them immediately. And in the end you will realize that automatically began to move forward.