Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Improvement of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a continuous process of monitoring current experiences, ie, all that is happening in the present moment, without distraction by thoughts of the past or the future. Aware of himself and his life, a person becomes able not only to get practical benefits from anyone residing moment, but also to find a link between all past and current events, understand their life purpose, to make informed choices in a given situation, to make fewer mistakes.

The Improvement of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Awareness - it is an endless process, it lasts a lifetime and does not have any particular endpoint. A development of consciousness always refers to the specific situation in which the people, the activities in which he is involved. And any one particular method of awareness does not exist, because This process has its direction and levels.

How to Improve Your Awareness?

Anyone who has come to the realization that you need to develop your awareness in life, must first determine exactly where to start to work on them. Do not immediately try to understand all the basics of this process, because the excessive load more whacks a desire to act. We need to approach this gradually. It is even possible to compare the development of awareness to the process of development of physical qualities: is the mainstream - general physical training, and there are separate components - the development of special physical skills. The main focus here will be raising awareness in general. And it is promoted by the following exercises.

The Practice of Mindfulness

The first - a breath. Breath - the basis of life and to start to learn how to monitor the process. Strive for continuous control of your breath: anywhere, anytime, with any people during any action, pay attention to how you breathe.

Second - this is feeling. Feelings accompany us every moment. Make it a rule throughout the day to recognize them, pay attention to the condition of each group of muscles of your body, which causes your body to feel comfortable, and that - is uncomfortable, as it is interconnected with the ongoing events during the day. Over time you will see that any situation, any mood, negative or positive emotions - all this affects the body in the form of sensations. Ask questions: "How does it feel in my body right now and what they are called?"

Third - it is emotion. Emotions like feeling - the constant companions of our lives. Mindfulness involves control of emotions and control - it is tracking. We know that when you get an A per your viking essay, you're really happy, but whenever you are experiencing one or another emotion, just watch it. Do not give her any evaluations, trying to look at her as if from outside. The impartiality of you to your emotions, the more stable your condition is, and the faster you will learn how to neutralize the negative in the case of its occurrence. Ask yourself: "What kind of emotions in me now prevail and why?"

Fourth - it is thought. I thought the most difficult to observation, but it is the most effective part of the practice. The fact that our mind is constantly absorbed in inner dialogue which leads each to himself. And even if you can for a few seconds to track it, you will not notice, as it was already deeply immersed in new thoughts. But the more you will remember about his thoughts, the more they will give in to your monitoring and verification. Ask yourself the question: "What am I thinking now?".

The Improvement of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

These four components - the basis for the development of awareness of its foundation. Initially, at least to a small degree and possess it, for example, practice for 1-2 months, and only then move on to more concrete receptions. And keep in mind that the observation of the breath, sensations, emotions and thoughts - a rather complicated process, because, most likely, you will first be distracted all the time and forget about it. But the practice of this skill will receive its development and will be easier to operate. If you're diligent, you monitor all its states, and eventually displays will be part of your nature, which means you'll constantly mindful.

We wish you well on your way to a conscious life!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Formation of Positive Motivation of Students

"Motivation is much more than the ability to determine the behavior of a person's actions." J. Raven
If a person seeks to acquire knowledge - the effectiveness of the cognitive process at times increases. However, teachers often complain that children do not show interest in learning. But why is this happening and what is the main reason - it is the question of questions.

Formation of Positive Motivation of Students

Let us deal with in order to help educators and teachers to instill in our kiddies interest in cognitive activity, that is, to teach harder to do their job - only to learn perfectly. Despite the fact that in each case lies a reason for "unwillingness" to learn, at the same time there are also quite common, common grounds here on them that we pay special attention.

Where is the Problem?!

Let's first identify the causes of low school motivation (because of the student, and previously we have considered - the fault of the teacher):
  • Failure to new conditions, the lack of adaptation
  • The difficulties with the perception of new material
  • Restlessness, constant distraction by extraneous things, games
  • Problems with peers, teachers
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  • Unwillingness to follow the rules and regulations
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders
  • The lack of interest in the subject
  • The emotionally-uncomfortable situation

Motivation also reduces child:

  • Lack of parental attention and love
  • Doubts about the child's abilities, accusations, belittling criticism
  • High load (not age)
Yield: Talk with your child, try to hear it, be sure to find out all the reasons for the reluctance to carry out the task, and the reasons for the aggression against the institution. We learn the reason - offer a solution (and best of all find them together with your child).

Formation of Positive Motivation of Students

Ask your child a question: "Is something bothering you? - Tell us about their experiences. Prompt him the decision: "We have nothing to fear, all will be well." Having overcome the fear of the child, you remove it from the barriers to achieving the desired result.

Remember! The joy of achievement - an incentive to move forward. Belief in yourself - the way to success!

Friday, July 8, 2016

How Students Can Struggle with Laziness?!

Tell me, in 18-20 years you can sit for textbooks all day and night? At that time, former students, and today, students take the first breath of freedom, experience the incredible feeling of love, meet new friends and acquire interesting hobby, revealing their talents. Of course, to learn at this age want the least.

How Students Can Struggle with Laziness?!

Then, by the way, too. But when the banal laziness ceases to be a momentary weakness, it can have more damaging effects than you realize. For example, not handed over the report may result in non-admission to the session, and unlearned time theme can play a cruel joke with you at the exam. Little by little, the gaps will be typed quite a lot, and teachers simply cease to tolerate it.

What if you do not know how to make myself pick up notes?

How to Deal with the Surging Laziness?

If you are diagnosed with a clinical attack of laziness, the main thing - under any pretext not to postpone the case until later started. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, especially when it comes to writing the course, practical, laboratory or research paper. Ask a trusted friend or relative to keep reminding you about the unfulfilled task. In order for the new pending task and felt ashamed in front of him, and to their families.

To paint the points of your daily routine and try to stick to the established regime. It helps you to gradually get used to the self-discipline. Besides, you'll never have to think about how to do everything, or how to write good term papers, which you can easily buy at, and you do not have to prepare for each test on the last night.

How Students Can Struggle with Laziness?!

Work out! Really. Physical activity stimulates the brain. You will not only come in good shape, but also normalize their daily routine: go to bed because of the pleasant fatigue, and therefore you'll get up much earlier than usual. After regular exercise you will feel incredible burst of energy. This will help you learn how to keep up with so much more to pull myself together and stop being lazy.

You Can Do It!

Reward yourself for the work performed. If you learned about complex stuff or just this semester attended all lectures on the subject unloved, treat yourself to something special. Sweets, you usually do not allow yourself, a beautiful thing, a new computer game - anything you choose. This will help you seek to make small victory over a more and more often.

However, no matter what, try not to be confused with laziness fatigue.

If you combine work and study, bison night notes, sometimes vital to give yourself to sleep, forgetting briefly about all the cases. Rest certainly from time to time is necessary for everyone: leave on the nature, communicate with friends, read a book, get something for everyone. But remember that insidious lazy! She knows how to hide under the guise of fatigue. Fatigue prevents you to perceive information, laziness - no!

Friday, July 1, 2016

From British Universities Graduated the Most Nobel Prize Winners

For higher education the UK chose the 38% foreign students, who later became the laureates of the Nobel Prize. This is evidenced results of a study of the British Council. Next on the list - the USA (28%) and Germany (18%).

From British Universities Graduated the Most Nobel Prize Winners

Founded in 1901, the Nobel Prize is awarded annually to those who, as written in his will, Alfred Nobel, "conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." This is the highest honor for outstanding contributions in physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, economics and peace on the planet.

Since its founding 131 prize winner of 860 fully or partially received higher education abroad. Of these, 50 people were in the UK. The most common areas for the achievement of which foreign graduates of British universities awarded the Nobel Prize - a physiology and medicine: 17 winners. 9 people were awarded for achievements in physics, the same amount - in chemistry, 7 - in the area of ​​economy, 5 - literature and five were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

With the UK associated with the names of 125 Nobel laureates is 14% of the total.

The United Kingdom remains the main destination for students who want to have a world-class education, and it is almost 500 000 foreign students who chose to study in the UK universities in 2014-2015 and who are buying an assignment writing at Yes, just believe!

From British Universities Graduated the Most Nobel Prize Winners

A survey of the British Council Student Insight, conducted in 2015, showed that the quality of British education was the main argument for the students who choose to study in this country. Other top factors:
  • the opportunity to qualify, which is recognized all over the world,
  • excellent career prospects offered by the British education,
  • the reputation of UK universities.
Just believe that you can become a laureate of the Nobel Prize too!