Thursday, December 28, 2017

Women in Education

Women have faced a variety of unique problems as they have attempted to infiltrate this male bastion. Among the female professor's barriers are both overt and subtle sex discrimination. Not only do women face overt discrimination, they also face covert forms of differential treatments.

Many countries which have already legislated against direct discrimination have yet to tackle the problem of indirect discriminations-conditions applied to admission, employment or promotion which cannot be justified. Traditional rules about examination passes, age limits and types of prerequisite experience heed careful reexamination. If women have been discriminated against, both directly and indirectly why have measures hot been taken to eradicate such inhumane behavior? EssayVikings offer an explanation.

Although evidence of sex discrimination in academe has mounted in the past several years, most studies of this subject have been somewhat unsystematic and limited. Some investigators have taken a head count of chairmanships or professorships held by women within a discipline. Others have made intrainstitutional assessments of the proportional distributions of men and women within ranks or comparisons of average intrarank salaries of men and women. Because these studies fail to consider such differences in professional background as degree length of employment, field of specialization, productivity — all criteria for rewards in higher education — the unconvinced administrator or colleague can simply cite these and a host of other neglected variables, real or imaginary, as explaining the extreme discrepancies in the position of the sexes.

Moreover, many people remain convinced that the natural abilities of males and females do indeed differ significantly and that from this must follow differences in the kind of life-pattern most appropriate to them. Such beliefs are often used to support an elaborate edifice based on allegedly sex-specific abilities though in fact any observed and measured differences may be slight, showing greater differences within groups than between groups.

Although women and men may not have sharp differences in their natural abilities women sometimes develop different interests and preferences than do men. Sex discrimination in academe does hot begin when a woman accepts an appointment at a college or university. Rather, its roots reach far back to the cumulative effects of earlier sex differentiation processes and discrimination: early childhood socialization for "appropriate sex roles, different treatment and expectations accorded to boys and girls by their parents, teachers, and peers throughout adolescence and early adulthood, differential opportunities for access and admission to undergraduate and graduate school and so forth. As a result, when they enter teaching careers in colleges and universities, most women have interests, aspirations, expectations, educational backgrounds, and life experiences that differ from those of their male counterparts.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How to Order a Research Paper Without Risk

Probably, you are already studying in the last year and are thinking whether to order a research paper. Or is it better to handle this case yourself? If you dare to turn to the help of various specialists, then you face a new dilemma - how to protect yourself from unscrupulous authors, how to ensure a good result?

Let's look at it in order.

How to Choose Where to Order a Research Paper?

The main guide in this matter for you should be feedback. Good about myself can write each performer. But the real picture can show only his previous customers. Go to the site, find the tab with reviews, carefully read them. If you see that this author or company can be trusted, then you can order a research paper there and eventually get a good result.

When is it Worth to Order a Paper?

Remember the timing of putting your work. Try to order a paper in advance. So you will have more time, what to read and prepare well for protection.

Order a Research Paper on the Internet - is it Safe?

The Internet employs the same specialists as in the offices. Using the Internet saves time for you and the performer. With the help of the Internet you can quickly send materials, check the result. You do not need to spend money on transport. Cooperation through the Internet is convenient in many ways. Therefore, if you do not have enough time for independent writing, do not worry - the experts will help you in this!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

TOP-10 Mistakes in the Presentation

Each of us watched live or on video sad or confusing speech or presentation. We also saw quite excellent reports, which were informative, inspiring and professionally executed. Of course, TOP-10 mistakes described in this article do not turn an excellent presentation in a sad, but they can significantly reduce the enthusiasm for the audience. Avoid them and you will see how to change the perception of your listeners. In addition, it will allow you to feel confident and to avoid excessive nervousness during the performance.

TOP-10 Mistakes in the Presentation

  • Not prepared enough

Steve Jobs has been known including for his oratorical ability and motivation. His speech seemed natural, but he could spend a few weeks at a five-minute presentation. Careful preparation is the most important aspect for any performances. Of course, it all depends on the amount of time available. If you have it, consider all the details. Loop "competence - confidence" works in this case. The more you know about his speech, so will be able to better cope with the nerves.

  • Do not acquaint themselves with the venue and presentation equipment

The ability to walk on the runway for an hour before the show is priceless. Once again, we are talking about confidence and nerves - the better you are familiar with the situation, the less unnecessary emotions will experience. Check out the equipment, which will be dealt with. Think about your actions in case if it fails. You will need the ability to improvise and sense of humor.

  • Forget about your audience

Often speakers are so obsessed with their performance, they forget about the audience. Start your presentation with a story about what to expect from her. Let them know what the theme will uncover the first and prepare them for meaningful participation in the process. Encourage them to ask questions and get ready to answer them. Watch for the feedback and prepare a plan B in case if the audience starts to get bored.

  • Use inappropriate content

Not all speakers are thinking about the audience that will listen to the presentation. This can lead to a complete misunderstanding. Take time and think over, what are your audience and what they want. Maybe, your audience would like to know how to write a good essay about Halloween holidays. Do not use jargon if realize that it will be perceived negatively. Be aware of the needs and motivation: that might interest the audience and how you can influence it?

  • Being too wordy

Short presentations are most effective because end with an audience peak of interest. Do not build too long sentences and use simple language. Usually, the presentation is about 15-20 minutes, so stick to those boundaries.

  • Inefficient use of visual elements

The bad slides can spoil the impression of the speaker and his presentation, so take your time to ensure that they are relevant and informative. We've all seen the slides with flashy colors, unnecessary animations or illegible font.
When choosing colors think about the place where the event will occur. Dark background on the slide well with white text in that case, if the presentation takes place in a dark room.
Carefully choose the pictures. Selection of high-quality photos can lead to the fact that your audience will be overloaded with visual elements and will cease to perceive the voice or text.

  • Cluttering the text

The text on the slides should be short and thus most informative and easy. If your presentation lasts 30 minutes, limit yourself to ten slides. Remember, the slides should help to tell the story, and do not overload the audience with unnecessary information.

  • Slummock

Usually in stressful situations it spoiled person repeatedly, sometimes with literacy problems are exposed due to nervousness. Breathe deeply and at the first sign of speech and incoherent mutterings gather and begin to speak more slowly. Bet on the quality of speech, rather than the speed of speech - you are unlikely to be expelled from the scene, if you pause for a few minutes longer.

  • Ignore dynamics

The dynamics is important in any communication with people - be it public or private conversation. Jobs's presentations were based on the principle of Hollywood films and worked perfectly. The intrigue, conflict, suspense and isolation must be in place. Use body language in the most emotional moments of his speech.

  • Avoid eye contact

Have you ever been at a presentation, during which he constantly watched his notes, looked at his feet, the ceiling or on the screen? How did you feel during these moments?
The fact that this public statement does not mean that you can not look people in the eye. This is a wonderful trick, because it helps to relax and at ease - as if you are talking with an old friend, and not speaking to a large audience.
Remember that performance in public - is primarily a presentation. Do not let your audience get bored and thus provide it with the most useful information. Try to avoid these mistakes and increase their level of the speaker.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Einstein's Techniques to Solve Problems

They say Einstein once said that if he had an hour to save the planet, he would have spent 55 minutes on the formulation of the problem, and only 5 minutes to find a solution. This tells us one very important thing: before you start to fight the problem, take a step back and determine what is the the problem.

Einstein's Techniques to Solve Problems

Therefore, mainly in solving any problem is its wording.

The Problem is to Understand What the Problem is

The formulation of the problem will be our main focus. Very often a man so eager to go to the decision that he did not even know what does, and that is looking for.
As a solution depends on the quality description of the problem we want to solve. Besides the problem solution itself, in this case, it will generally be found much faster and easier.
Einstein in his work using several strategies, which have been steadily adhered to. And all of these strategies can easily learn and use each one of us.

Einstein's Tools and Strategies

  • Rephrase the problem

When the head of the "Toyota" has asked its employees to brainstorm on the theme "Ways to improve productivity" he received in response to a lot of empty and blank stare. When he rephrased his request in the "Ways of how to make the job easier," he would publish a book of tips and suggestions.
The words carry a lot of hidden meanings, therefore plays an important role in how we perceive the problem.
In the example in the paragraph above "be productive" workers could be regarded as an offering of sacrifices for the company, whereas in the second case, each knew his advantage, from which a benefit received and the company itself. In the end, perhaps the problem remains exactly the same, but the feeling that it is completely changing.

  • Challenge the assumptions
Some of your suggestions may limit your choice of action. If you want to do, such as the restaurant business, challenge their assumptions. Everyone knows that the restaurants should be the menu, imagine what would happen if you do not have and think about what will happen. If you decide to pay in a restaurant with the help of money, think about the business model, which will provide for the exchange. The table is designed for several people create a restaurant project in which all the tables are calculated per person. By the way, these restaurants already exist, their owners have challenged their assumptions and managed to stand out.

  • Look at the problem in general
Each issue is part of the bigger problems. You can just be stunned if you only pay attention to the particular. Take a look at the problem as a whole. Ask yourself: "Part of what is the problem?". A good way is to use a spook. Hyperon - a word with a broader meaning than this. If your problem is the word "machine", replace it with a "vehicle" and see how the prospect of change. If you don't know how to write a term paper proposal in third person - that's a problem with term paper writing, which you can easily solve.

  • Look at the particular problems
Simply put, make a specific problem. Understanding the problem is very important, but very often it is necessary to consider particular because they make up the problem as a whole. For this fit hyponym. Hyponym - a concept that expresses the essence of privacy in relation to the more general concept. Consider the word "food" as "breakfast", "lunch" and "dinner" and "vehicle" as a "vehicle", "bus" and "train". Word can make more specific "car".

  • Take a look at the problem from different points of view
Before proceeding to review and address the problem, examine it from different angles and perspectives. A look at the problem through the eyes of others is a sure way to find lost or new directions. If you want to increase sales, think about it from the consumer's point of view. So he bought a larger quantity of the same product, which in his view features or benefits must have this product? Or it may cause the client to pay for your goods more than it pays now?

  • Use effective language constructs
Language design can work wonders. Try different and see what happens:

  1. Come up with many solutions. If you need just one solution, create dozens or hundreds - is psychologically a sure way to liberate your creative thinking. Therefore, it is an effective way to formulate the problem is "What are the ways I could ...", it is as if your brain suggests that there are a lot of solutions.
  2. Make them positive. Affirmations are very effective in the brain. Instead, the statement "I will not smoke," thought "How to increase your energy and live longer?" Will launch a larger number of options and would focus not on the limitations, and opportunities.
  3. To frame your problem in the form of a question. When you formed the problem as a question, the brain automatically looks for the opportunity to respond to it. And what is most interesting, including subconsciously.
  4. Use the formula: action, object qualifier, the final result. For example, "What are the ways I could pack (action) the book (object) is more attractively (qualifier), so that people buy more of her (the end result)?".

  • Take the problem of appealing
Nobody wants to have to deal with boring issues. When the issue is attractive, we tend to look for a solution, and enjoy the process. In this case, set to the brain and more creative approaches to the solution. For example, instead of the boring "How to increase sales" Reframe the problem "How to delight your customers."

  • Turn the problem
If you want to win, then that will lead to your defeat? If you want to understand how to increase sales, think about what may cause them to fall. This revolution allows problems refresh mental activity and thinking about such things that you've never thought of.

  • Gather the facts
Investigate the causes and circumstances of your problem. Once established the reason, and even set the root cause, it certainly is. This is especially true when the problem is vague and you need to specify it. Simple search of facts can answer a lot. What do you know about the problem? Can you draw a diagram of the problem? Where are the boundaries of problems? Be curious. Ask questions and gather facts. Ideal formulated the problem very often ceases to be a problem.

  • Use techniques
Use the method of "One hundred List" or SCAMPER. These techniques will help you to formulate the problem and find a solution very quickly. Besides them, there are other techniques, are not limited.

Remember that the time you spend on the definition of the problem will return a hundredfold when you search for a solution. Einstein proposed a variant of 55 and 5 minutes, but you may approach your relationship.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Alan Turing's Test

Turing Test, as we mentioned, is designed to determine the potential of artificial intelligence, close to human intelligence. The classic interpretation of this test can be expressed as: a person interacts with a computer or a person. Based on the answers to certain questions, one must determine who is his companion: the computer or human. And in the computer program functions include human deception and wrap it to the wrong conclusion. During the test, none of the participants can not see each other.

Alan Turing's Test

Alan Turing said that the machine can recognize the thinking, if it can be misleading 30% of the people-in the correspondence. And for decades to implement this test no one could, but the 2014 edition of «The Independent» reported that the computer program from this reliable academic company was able to convince people that they exchange messages with a boy of thirteen. It is, in fact, means that in fact the Turing test has been passed.

Interesting Tests

It is interesting that a computer program called "Eugene Gustman" was created Russian programmers, and the test was organized by scientists from the University of Reading in London at the Royal Society. In the experiment, 33% of participants believe that talking with a real person. By the way, "Eugene" claimed he was a boy of thirteen, who lives in Odessa.

This fact, of course, is a huge step in research on artificial intelligence, but scientists say that this achievement can be used by cybercriminals.

"Eugene Gustman" - this is the first program, passed the test, though there are also other programs that are close to this result. These include such as «JFRED», «Elbot the Robot», «Ultra Hal» and «Cleverbot».

"Eugene Gustman" - the New Way

According to one of the founders of "Eugene" Vladimir Veselov, the basic idea of ​​the developers was to "Eugene" knew everything and, at the same time, did not know anything, and to develop a program with the "real" person was spent huge amount of time. Professor at the University of Reading's Kevin Warwick says that in the field of artificial intelligence has so far been no more than controversial and landmark event.

We, in this case, could not agree more with the specialists, because the very fact that the car was able to convince people that it is a man, can transform the entire global computer system. Imagine what can generally be consequences if cybernetic sides possessing artificial intelligence, will conduct a live conversation with people, but spam bots will not be recognized?

Friday, September 30, 2016

TOP-10 Communication Mistakes

Everyone occasionally makes mistakes in communication. However, most of them can be avoided, and to save his reputation, if you know about the most common errors in the transmission of information to another person. Interlocutor very easily offended and hurt, so be mindful when dealing with him. Over time you will begin to intuitively understand what and how to speak or write.

TOP-10 Communication Mistakes

Learn the Common Mistakes in Communication and Avoid Unpleasant Consequences

1. Do not edit your work

It is not just about grammar mistakes - even a written expression is a "tone." And if it seems tactless interlocutor, you just do not want to get right. However, grammatical errors, too, have a strong influence on the perception of information. For example, students usually forget about mistakes in college papers writing Yes, that's the problem, but we can solve it!

2. The bad news by e-mail

The written message is unable to smooth or soften the bad news by means of non-verbal techniques (eg, body language), and can not in any way affect, and coping with negative emotions. If you need to report bad news, do it in person, at the same time, be as considerate. Perhaps, your interlocutor will be unpleasant, but you can brighten up a long-term negative effect on the news.

3. Avoid difficult conversations

From time to time each person needs to give negative feedback. One might be tempted to avoid such a conversation, but you can hurt yourself even more, because the problem of silence only increases it.

4. Do not be assertive

Assertiveness - is man's ability to understand their needs and at the same time take into account the needs and the needs of others. Of course, assertiveness suggests that you get what you want is not always, but in the long run, this strategy works great.

5. React instead respond

If you happen to lose your temper and shout in frustration at a colleague or loved one, you might remember, have unpleasant feelings experienced when they came to life. You react automatically and emotionally instead of calm and steer the conversation in a constructive direction. Here again the question of the duration of prospects - with a scream you achieve instant success, but in the long run lose, because it will lose the respect and reputation. Cultivate self-control and be aware of your emotions.

6. Do not prepare carefully

And again it's reputation - badly prepared speeches or presentations are easy to break down and lead to rejection of your ideas and pure thoughts. Plan your presentation carefully and think over all.

7. Use the strategy of "What suits one fits all"

If you use this strategy, you can not be an effective communicator. All people have different points of view, needs and expectations, so consider this. The art of communication is a single message to reach all kinds of people.

8. Do not be open to new dialogue

Stereotypes and patterns are produced in our brain unconsciously and get rid of them is very difficult. However, if you are aware, you will be able to watch your thoughts and understanding, where an objective assessment of the situation, and where cognitive distortion.

9. Assume that your idea has been understood

Enter a habit to always check whether you have correctly understood. Remember that it is important not only what you say, but how you are perceived. Ask questions of your interlocutor and find out how well he understood your message.

10. Incidentally violate privacy

Have you ever sent a delicate letter to the wrong person? If so, then you know how uncomfortable you can experience due to this error. Carefully check the address and not a mass whether it is sending. Such an approach can you get rid of the big problems.

Good luck!

Monday, September 26, 2016

How to Learn Any Language in Record Time

Who among us, being on business or on holiday abroad, I did not face difficulties with the language barrier? Who has not indulged in thoughts of how it would be great to pull up or learn from scratch a foreign language, without spending a lot of time? Do you have a person living in a crazy style of modern life, the ability to speak in any language and master it as much as possible in record time, bypassing the tutors, training programs, etc.?

How to Learn Any Language in Record Time

It may seem incredible, but such a possibility! That's about it, we will cover in this article. Here we give some very efficient and effective tips using which anyone can without any help to learn a foreign language in the shortest possible time.

  • Tip 1. Recognize and accept what you are able to learn a foreign language

Many take the position that teaching a foreign language it is necessary to start at school, because, supposedly, will be more difficult with age, the brain will be in another work, change sensitivity, etc. And still to this is added to the view that there is a peculiar language gene, the presence or absence of which in advance determines a person's ability to master foreign languages. Remember that it is prejudice! In fact, everything is completely different. Yes, no doubt, some more and some are less prone to the knowledge of a foreign language, but, by and large, no role in the final result is not important.

  • Tip 2. Educate yourself absolutely free

Of course, there are plenty of paid training programs that can really contribute to the development of your chosen language. Yes, they are effective. Yes, they are good. But why spend the extra money that you can get absolutely free ?! You can spend money for research paper writing from, where Vikings also can consult you for free. Internet nowadays developed just fine and have a truly unique free resources, using which you can begin to learn any language you like. The main thing here - it's sort out what works. The rest - a matter of practice.

  • Tip 3: Understand the basic rules

In order to master the basics of a foreign language, you should only use the most effective methods. As an example, what language to create database does not necessarily know by heart all the words. Suffice it to learn basic vocabulary that will allow you to form phrases and build proposals. Think about the fact that sometimes, reading a book or newspaper, browsing videos or listening to the record, you learn new words for themselves even from their mother tongue. Another example is the fact that, in many languages, most of all written texts represent only 300 basic words.

  • Tip 4: Learn how to set specific goals

One of the causes of failure in learning a foreign language is the lack of human specific goals, which it needs to achieve in the course of their training. To avoid this, you need to consider for themselves a concrete action plan that will allow you to identify clear goals and outline the necessary steps to achieve them. For example, set himself the task for two days to learn the alphabet of your chosen language, learn the four numerals and colors, for a month to learn common phrases that are suitable for use in either a non-binding relaxed communication, etc. This approach significantly speed up the whole process.

  • Tip 5: Learn cognates

An important aspect in the development of any foreign language is to realize that, in fact, you already own their solid vocabulary. For example, a language related to the Romance group, such as Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and others have a lot of similar words with the words of the English language. Even in Asian languages ​​have words that have occurred from the English. Many of the root words of different languages ​​are descended from Latin or Greek, and not to know them pretty hard. The only difference - in pronunciation. But this can be easy to get used to.

  • Tip 6. Get to know mnemonics

To as quickly as possible to remember a large number of foreign words is very good to use mnemonics - special techniques that allow the necessary information to facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory. The basis of these methods is the creation of various associations: images, visual objects, similar words, people, life experiences, poems, stories, etc. The result of the use of mnemonics is fast playback in the memory of anyone, even the most difficult to memorize words. And over time, the use of mnemonics becomes habitual, and you yourself will be surprised at how easily and quickly you master new vocabulary.

  • Tip 7. Communicate in a foreign language without leaving home

Many people who intend to learn a new language, find a big problem that they can not be in the country where native speakers live. If you dig deeper, it is the reason for the postponement of language learning for later. That "later" may never come, respectively, and a person does not learn the language. This should not be a problem for you, because find people communicating in your preferred language, you can even at home. And being in a country where the native speakers live, it does not guarantee that language will be mastered. The main thing in this issue - the activity and desire.

  • Tip 8. Use Skype and social networks

Use this method very simple, but very useful, because this will make it possible for you to be in regular contact with native speakers and to hone their skills. Moreover, it is possible to train in writing, press releases, and in speaking, communicating with the camera and microphone.

Summarizing the article, I would like to once again note that in any case it is not necessary to doubt - to take or not for learning a new language. Just decide to do so and use the advice offered. Of course, at first that something will go wrong, something will be given to the difficulty, you will make mistakes. But all this - the usual phenomenon, peculiar to absolutely everyone. But, believe me, the effort is more than compensated by the fact that you master a new language, be able to express themselves freely on it, be proud of yourself and amaze others with his knowledge.